HIGH SCHOOL » ÇEVRE HIGH SCHOOL » Denmark School Partnership Project | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

Denmark School Partnership Project

Between September 26th –30th 2017, 25 students and 2 teachers from Rysensteen Gymnasium, Copenhagen visited Çevre High School to attend the seventh round of the school partnership project organized by the English department. Çevre College and Rysensteen Gymnasium have been working on raising awareness on ‘Global Citizenship Project’ since 2012 and we have been visiting each other in turns. Like in the previous visits our students hosted their Danish peers for 4 days. Danish students and teachers attended English lessons discussing their views on the cultural and social differences between the two countries, went on a trip to 15th İstanbul Biennale and had many joyful moments together.  All in all, the trip ended with many memorable moments for both countries.
