HIGH SCHOOL » ÇEVRE HIGH SCHOOL » Çevre High School Students at Harvard MUN Conference | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

Çevre High School students represented Cameroon at Harvard MUN (Model United Nations) conference, a simulation of the United Nations in which future leaders participate.

Having a good reputation with its activities and projects in foreign languages, Çevre College participated in HMUN 2017, the world's oldest MUN conference, which is a platform where world issues are debated and solutions are presented.
Over 3000 high school students from 34 different countries discussed the world's issues and offered resolutions at 64th annual HMUN conference, which is regarded by the academic authorities as the world's most prestigious conference.

This year, a record number of students participated in the conference which Çevre High School attended as the delegation of Cameroon. There were 31 committees particularly, General Assembly (GA), Economic and Financial (ECOFIN), Social, Humanitarian and Cultural (SOCHUM), Special Political and Decolonization, SPECPOL), and Legal Committee.

Çevre College MUN club, which has been through an intensive preparatory process before the conference, has drawn up a detailed study on international relations, world issues and current affairs and prepared draft resolutions from Cameroon’s perspective.

Çevre College MUN club had an opportunity to meet young people from different countries round the world and practice their debating skills and leadership abilities in order to submit resolutions for United Nations.

What is MUN (Model United Nations)?

MUN is an educational simulation of United Nations, in which students can learn about diplomacy and international relations.  It is a platform which gathers young people round the world to discuss world matters.

MUN is considered as the most prestigious academic activity in the world by universities and educational institutes. It is a simulation of United Nations, where students, known as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in the committees such as Security Council, Economic and Social committee, Disarmament Commission and many others.
