HIGH SCHOOL » ÇEVRE HIGH SCHOOL » REPUBLIC EXUBERANCY AT ÇEVRE COLLEGE | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence



Çevre College celebrated the 98th Anniversary of the Republic with a ceremony held online.

The ceremony, which was broadcast on Cevre College YouTube account on Friday, 29 October at 1100, started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem. The ceremony continued with the drama students’ narration of the difficult process leading to the republic, the dance show and the marches played by the orchestra and ended with the performances of the students of Çevre College, who made a promise in the spiritual presence of Atatürk to build a bright future.

As Çevre College, we are proud to have organised yet another unforgettable ceremony and wish many 98 years following the path illuminated by Atatürk…

Our Ceremony
