MIDDLE SCHOOL » ÇEVRE MIDDLE SCHOOL » Swimming Success | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

On 06-08 May 2016 the swimming race for 11-12 years old swimmers was held in Gaziantep.

Nehir Öz, who represented Çevre Sports Club, won 4 golden and 2 silver medals  winning 50M Turkey’s  freestyle swimming , 100M Turkey’s  freestyle swimming, 200M Turkey’s  freestyle swimming and 50M Turkey’s  butterfly stroke races. She won also 100M butterfly stroke and 100M   freestyle swimming competitions  in Turkey’s Summer Olympic Stroke Swimming Championships.

Meriç Demirtepe won two bronze medals winning 100M Turkey’s backstroke and freestyle swimming competitions.

Our 12 year-old-boys team became Turkey’s Third in 4x50 meter freestyle rally race.

Congratulations to our all wonderful swimmers and their teachers! We wish them good luck in the coming competitions! 
