HIGH SCHOOL » SCHOOL PRINCIPAL | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

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Welcome to Çevre High School Web Site

Çevre High School mission is to direct the new era of “ideal individual”. In the process of learning at Çevre High, our students acquire necessary skills for information literacy, effective learning, teamwork, problem solving, setting objectives embedded in intensive academic programs and thus become life-long learning citizens. Our students are and will always be responsible to carry out their duties borne by Atatürk’s reforms and principles. Our experienced, motivated, ambitious academic staff, result-oriented, willing students, and cooperative parents are the fundemantal elements for realization and improvement of our mission.

I strongly believe that Çevre students, will become ideal leaders in the future who value national identity; international and intercultural understanding; personal responsibility and integrity; mutual responsibility and respect; service for the community and respect for the environment. They will set examples in action. The knowledge and the experience they gain at Çevre High will help them step forward as professionals in the challenging world of adulthood.

Nurhan DENIZ
High School Principal

