MIDDLE SCHOOL » ÇEVRE MIDDLE SCHOOL » The Dıfference Of Beıng A Çevre Student: Educatıon In Manners And Etıquette | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

The Dıfference Of Beıng A Çevre Student: Educatıon In Manners And Etıquette


As part of the “Life Long Learning Model”, the education of manners and etiquette was organised and taught by guidance counselor, Meltem Yaprak, who is an expert in this area. She  carried out this personal development training with our 6th grade students.  

For eight lessons our students learned about the importance of body language, correct body posture, table manners, appropriate apparel and clothing choices, as well as personal care and hygiene. Ourstudents participated in this activity and upon completion of their education were awarded certificates.
