Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence
Nuray Gündoğan - Elif ve Beyza Gündoğan Sınıfı

Nuray Gündoğan - Elif ve Beyza Gündoğan Sınıfı

To Çevre College,

My journey with Çevre College began about six years ago when my daughter started preschool in 2005. The first thing that caught my attention was the rules related to the order and discipline in the school. The rules regarding safety were also applied with great care. As my daughter grew older and entered primary school, she continued her education under the organized system set by her class teacher. She learned by sometimes having fun, sometimes asking questions, following the rules, and believing in their necessity.

With the modern teaching style and education based on Atatürk's principles, she learned about her past, set goals for the future, and participated in social responsibility projects, all while remaining connected to life and becoming aware of her surroundings. I find it very beneficial that she reinforces the topics she learns by doing performance tasks in class under the guidance of her teacher.

Now, in the 4th grade, I believe that starting specialized lessons in subjects like math and science with subject teachers will contribute to her success. Additionally, the quality of the English education provided as a core foreign language and the second foreign language is quite satisfactory. It is very reassuring to witness that the program developed by the Foreign Languages Department and the teachers' successful implementation of it are meeting our expectations. The progress and level my child has reached in foreign languages clearly demonstrate this success.

The laboratory work and exhibitions organized by the Science Department to increase interest in science have been very educational. Along with academic studies, the social opportunities provided by our school are also very satisfying.

While I am pleased with the system being implemented at our school, I also appreciate that when we have constructive feedback—whether positive or negative—it is taken into consideration, and corrections are made when deemed appropriate. This shows how flexible our school is in adapting to change and renewal. In today’s world, where the only constant is change, I believe this is a very important feature.

In light of all this, I am so pleased with the education my daughter is receiving in 4th grade that my second daughter is also now a student at Çevre College, studying in 2nd grade.