Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence


Kindergarten Guidance and Counseling Department

Kindergarten education is vital for children between 0 -6 years old. This is known as the most perceptive period which enables the children to learn effectively.
Basic habits and behaviours are shaped during this period. Receiving an education at this early stage plays a very important role for the future education process.
Children’s social, emotional, physical, sexual, moral and age-related developmental stages  are developed throughout this period.
It is a scientific fact that the period which is called the ‘early childhood period’ is a time when children can learn really fast and easily.
The counseling Service has a very effective role within this period and acts as a bridge between the parents and children.
In order to learn more about childrens’ individuality, parents and guidance counselors have to cooperate effectively since it is crucial to understand the full potential in every child and detect problems while they are still in a pre-mature status.
Since pre-mature problems are easier to deal with than habitual ones, the counseling service has interviews with the children starting the day they register which includes playing various games with them.
After the interviews, the evaluation results are shared with the parents and class teachers on various occasions throughout the year.
The aim of the counseling department is to cooperate with the parents effectively and look into various behaviours before they are considered as problems and find solutions in advance.
We at Çevre Schools recognize each child’s individuality, efforts and achievements and apply a student-centered approach at all times.
We aim to raise individuals who have high self-confidence, developed a high opinion of social values, are socially and emotionally and who are ready for the second phase of education; primary school.

Student related tasks
Helping with the adaptation process to school
Observing children on a daily basis
Recognition and keeping record of individual differences
Developmental counseling services
Guidance related activities applications carried out in class or individually
Studies concerning attention, perception, memory, verbal competence, creativity and concept development
Supporting social skills via group activities and drama
Evaluations are carried out at the end of the school year to assess the students    readiness to progress to the next year. A ‘school maturity evaluation’ is carried out for 6 year old prep students who will progress to primary school.

Parent related tasks

Counseling services enlightening the parents about child development and other various childhood themes.
Presentation at the beginning of the year concerning the annual plan
Preparing bulletins for the parents
Parents are free to talk to the guidance counselor and are offered the chance to make an appointment for longer discussions. Meeting will at times be scheduled by the guidance counselor if changes in behavior or development of the students are noted.
Working as partners with parents in an honest way
School for Parents’ seminars are held twice a year
Effective parent seminars

Values Education

The pre-school period is the basis of values education. Every child develop different values at different times and keeps them forever.
Conscience, the distinction between the good or evil, for children is limited to the concepts and ideas that their care givers or parents share with the children.
As the children grow up, they develop their own understanding of conscience and begin to shape their own reality and truth.
The environment surrounding them helps them develop the understanding of good and evil, through observing the people around them and what makes them happy or upset.

Values are an inseparable aspect of life and they are mostly acquired during the pre- school period.
At Çevre we are willing to teach our students various values which are processed by the Ministry of Education every year.
Last year, we studied love, responsibility, charity, sharing, patience, respect and honesty. This year, we aim to study tolerance and charity, hygiene and healthy life, honesty, discipline and responsibility, fidelity and historical conscience, love and respect, family and mother issues.
We believe that, through our student centered learning approach, each child develops into a happy individual when encouraged independence within the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.