Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence
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brand_awareness ANNOUNCEMENTS
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Clay Artwork by 2nd Grade Students of Çevre College

Clay Artwork by 2nd Grade Stud

The 2nd-grade students of Çevre College created an artistic project as part of the "Arts-Trip" event! During the activity, which was organized to enha

1st Graders Observing Nature

1st Graders Observing Nature

Our 1st-grade students, in connection with the concepts from their life sciences lessons, prepared posters on the topic "One-on-One with Nature" by ob

First Lego League Tournament 3rd Place in Middle School

First Lego League Tournament 3

Our 7th-grade students from Çevre College placed 3rd among 44 teams in the 2nd Local FIRST® LEGO® League Tournament for middle schools and earned the

Our 3rd-grade students‘ recycling projects

Our 3rd-grade students‘ recycl

In Skills lessons 3rd graders were working with the recycled materials creating projects using their imagination and creativity.

Our 2nd Grade Students Learn Fractions

Our 2nd Grade Students Learn F

Çevre College 2nd grade students discovered the most delicious side of mathematics! Using pizza slices and fraction sets to understand the concept of

Traditional 11th Grade English Debate Tournament

Traditional 11th Grade English

The champion of the 11th Grade English Debate Tournament was Class 11A!

Odd Socks Day

Odd Socks Day

Last week 4th graders were enjoying "Odd Socks Day," which is a celebration of being different, self-expression, and acceptance of who we are as indiv



As the middle groups of Çevre College Erenköy Kindergarten, in this month‘s Dinosaurs theme, we learned about the habitats, types, sizes and prolifera


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Our academic achievements
Our achievements in art
Our achievements and trophies in environmentalism
Our achievements in sports.


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Çevre College, located on the Erenköy campus, has been dedicated to educational excellence for nearly 20 years. With 24,500 square meters of indoor space, 4,000 square meters of outdoor facilities, a team of nearly 300 experienced professionals, and over 1,500 students, our institution keeps pace with technological advancements. We emphasize a "learning by doing" approach, where many subjects are taught through practical applications in specialized laboratories. Beyond academic success, Çevre College prioritizes the development of sports, culture, and the arts, aiming to enrich and prepare students in all areas through its comprehensive facilities. The school is equipped with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, 3D, Mathematics, and Computer Laboratories, as well as Ceramics, Art, and Music Workshops, providing students at all levels opportunities to reinforce theory through hands-on experience. Additionally, our Çevre Sports Club, located on the Erenköy campus, promotes the importance of a healthy lifestyle for individuals of all ages. With a swimming pool, indoor sports hall, fitness center, and Pilates studios, we aim to create an environment that supports both physical well-being and community connection.



Çevre Koleji, evimize yakın bir okul. Oğlum yabancı dili öğrenmek istediğini bana söylediğinde burayı araştırmaya karar verdim. Gerek Çevre Kolejinden mezun olan veya devam eden arkadaşlarımın çocukları ve ailelerinin memnuniyetleri, gerekse öğretmen arkadaşlarımın okulun eğitimine ilişkin geri bildirimleri ile Çevre Kolejini tercih ettik. Çağdaş, Atatürkçü, disiplinli, planlı ve yabancı dile önem veren bunların yanı sıra çocukların sosyalleşmesi için pratik uygulamaları olan bir eğitim kurumu. ...
Thank you for your efforts and communication during the Ankara trip. As a small piece of feedback, if the program on Sunday had ended 1-1.5 hours earlier, the children could have arrived home a bit sooner, considering traffic conditions. Since we had previously sent Ata to an extended basketball camp organized by the school and were confident in the quality of the environment, we had no hesitation in allowing him to join this trip. We would gladly send him on future trips as well. Thank yo...
Sevgili Öğretmenlerimiz ve Müdiremiz; Öncelikle öğrencilerinizin yaratıcı yönünü de geliştiren ve destekleyen eğitim yöntemlerinizden çok memnunuz. Bunun yanında İngilizce eğitiminizden ve branş derslerinizden de çok memnunuz.Kızımızın gelişimine ve yeni öğrendiklerini takip etmek bize keyif veriyor. Ayrıca Müdire Hanımınızın, her aktiviteyi takip edip , öğrencilerinin özelliklerini bire bir bilmesinden çok memnunuz. Tabii Atatürkçü ve Çevreci bir okul olmanızda bizim için çok önemli. Her şey i...
TEOG süreci oldukça uzun, yorucu, aynı zamanda öğrenci-öğretmen-veli dayanışması içinde sürdürülmesi gereken bir süreç. Birinci TEOG sürecini atlatmış bir veli olarak, bu süreci kaliteli ve tecrübeli bir eğitim kurumunda olmanın verdiği bir güvenle yaşamaktan oldukça memnunum. Okulumuzda hafta sonları yapılan takviye kurlarının, ÇEP programlarının, öğrenciyle yapılan motive edici toplantıların, sınıf öğretmeni ile veli işbirliğinin son derece yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Daha yolumuz uzun. Önü...