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Çevre College Secondary School Mathematics Departments’s aim is to help students develop mathematical thinking skills and make them love mathematics. In order to do this, starting from grade 4, we teach our lessons using Çevre books prepared by our department and broaden children’s perspective using several different resources.

We ask our students a lot of skill-based questions within various exams and reinforce the basics of LGS at all levels.

Starting from the 4th grade, we support our program with special laboratory books and activities that can be integrated into daily life.

We take our students’ individual characteristics into consideration with the support of artificial intelligence within the digital resources we use.

We support our program with our social clubs like Intelligence Games and Mathematics with Tablet.

We hold Mathematics Olympics annually for grade 5 to grade 8.

We celebrate World Pi Day as Math Day inviting students to take part in various activities.

We create environment where our students can participate in a variety of competitions such as the International Gauss Contest, the National Kangaroo Mathematics Competition, the Istanbul Science Olympics and the Turkish Intelligence Foundation Championship.

Matbeg Competition makes the students gain a new perspective on Mathematics.

We believe that projects, attending competitions abroad and visiting museums will develop our students' scientific thinking skills, foreign language skills and will let them experience different cultures. In this context, as a joint Mathematics and Science Departments’ project, we organize a trip to Germany-Amsterdam SCIENCE CENTERS and MATHEMATICS MUSEUMS for our 6th and 7th grade students.

Our students step into the next level of their education period with advanced math skills, conceptual thinking skills and a strong sense of self-confidence.


Çevre College High School Mathematics Department primarily aims to raise individuals who can think critically, develop different problem solving techniques and strategies, and have a systematic study habit. Apart from this, one of the most important goals of our department is to provide our students with a solid background in mathematics that will enable them to reach the departments they want to study at university. In order to achieve this goal, a planned mathematics education program is implemented starting from preparatory class.

In High School Preparatory Mathematics class, students are taught the English equivalents of mathematical terms. In addition to the studies for the PSAT exam, the topics in the 9th grade curriculum are also covered. In this way, it is ensured that students are prepared for high school mathematics.

One of the most important goals of mathematics teaching is to develop students' problem solving, reasoning and association skills and to apply these skills to real life problems. To do so, mathematics applications related to each unit are included starting from the 9th grade.

TYT and AYT studies in high school are carried out effectively starting in 9th grade. In each level, a certain weekly class hour is allocated to TYT and AYT studies and questions are solved by revising previous years' topics. Apart from these, students are provided with a deep understanding of mathematics with the help of worksheets given within the framework of the homework program and the resource books used.

In addition, students are able to express the information and the conclusions they have reached through assigned project assignments in written form. New generation non-routine problems are especially covered in 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Geometry teaching in our school is carried out both theoretically and practically with evidence methods, drawing techniques and plenty of questions solved by means of smart boards.

In “Mind Games Club” established by our department, studies are carried out with students who are interested in these games. Mind Games improve our students' mathematical abilities, especially their problem solving skills. We also participate in mind games competitions with club students. Another activity we have is the “Mathematics Team”. The “Mathematics Team” is a club established to participate in various mathematics project competitions, where mathematics topics are covered in more depth.

By participating in the PSAT, AMC, EGMO, WORLD MATH DAY, URFODU, Science Olympics and Kanguru exams, our students also gain experience in international platforms.

With our trips to Şirince Mathematics Village and Silicon Valley(Wild West Study Tour), UCLA and Stanford Universities, students gain experience in different environments by carrying mathematics education out of school. It is aimed to make students love mathematics more.
