First Aid Training at Çevre High School!
First Aid Training at Çevre High School!
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First Aid Training at Çevre High School!


Çevre High School’s 9th grade students received 8 hours of basic first aid training on 30th May and 1st June 2017 as part of their “Lifelong Learning”. Our training was given by specialists. The training included; general first aid information, ill/injured and evaluation of the situation, basic life support, first aid for bleeding, first aid for injuries, first aid for burns, frostbites and heat strokes, first aid for fractures, dislocations and sprains, first aid for consciousness disorders, first aid for poisoning, first aid for animal bites, first aid for when foreign objects enter the eye, ear and nose, first aid for drowning along with carrying techniques for the ill/injured. After the training, our students received ‘First Aid Information’ certificates.
